Sunday, December 2, 2012

Church finally!

Hello all,

I'm sorry for my angry rant of a few days ago. Actually, that's a lie; I'm not sorry for reacting to hate, though I'm not used to speaking while so fired up. I'm actually kind of proud of myself for staying so calm (in writing) with so much psychotic b*tch rage coursing through my veins (forgive the language).

Anywho, today a few other members of FOCUUS and I went to our local UU congregation for Sunday service. It was lovely! Though they do things slightly different then BRUU (which is to be expected), they seem like really great people, and I had an awesome time. I'm excited to go again next week!

Now, after that and meeting up with my boyfriend, Dylan, for lunch before he went off to do marching band stuff all day, I'm in yoga pants writing my million papers due over the next two weeks and watching ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas.

This is the life.

I think I might actually just start saying "I'm a Unitarian Universalist" when asked. It's much simpler than explaining Pantheism.

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