Monday, November 5, 2012

Busy day!

Hello lovelies,

It's the first Monday in a while, so it's pretty rough. :P It's also MISERABLY cold outside, despite being pretty and sunny. That's my least favorite combination - I even like warm and cloudy more than sunny and freezing.

But, anyway, it's a hair-up-no-makeup day, so all I did this morning was put on some moisturizer with SPF and brush my teeth. I threw on a pink CNU sweatshirt with a scarf and some faux Toms, and I was out the door.

After my classes this morning, I had to help out at a Be The Match bake sale in the student union. I made sugar cookies! We ended up making a pretty good dent too. :)

Now, I have about an hour and a half to work on a paper due later this week and perfect a presentation for tomorrow. At four, I'm meeting my study group for o-chem to work on a group assignment, and then at 8 o'clock tonight I'm stopping by CNU's Unitarian Universalist campus ministry to see what that's all about. I've been looking for a UU congregation to join in Newport News, and then I found one right on campus!

If I can find the time to later, I'll also be running to Target and some other places to run some errands. I'll try to post sometime about my experience with our UU ministry, but as of right now I'm out of ideas of good things to talk about :/but I'm sure something will happen/come to me!

See you sometime soon lovelies, and don't forget to GO VOTE TOMORROW. Regardless of how you vote, don't ignore your duty!

Wind mills not oil spills! (lol),

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